Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

Please click on the PTO Newsletter at the top of this page!

Welcome to the last Friday in January!  Our 8th graders worked through another couple of assessments this week, completing the Spanish placement test and Explore test, in preparation for Stevenson High School.  Personally, I was able to get into some classrooms this week to witness some fun and exciting activities.  The students in P.E. were working on their creative dance activities and did a fantastic job presenting in each of the class periods.  Our Woodlawn wrestlers continued to work toward their conference tournament and our 7th & 8th grade girls volleyball players had their team tryouts.

Leading into next week we have Stevenson incoming freshmen night, which is Wednesday, January 30th at 7p.m.  Stevenson will also be sending some former Woodlawn students back here for the Stevenson fine arts tour.  Our students will be able to see current SHS participants in band, orchestra, chorus, flag team, art, performing arts and many other activities that they can participate in when they get to SHS. 

5Essentials Survey
This February, all Woodlawn students will be taking the 5Essentials Survey during our Academic Extension time.  This survey was developed in response to recent educational reform legislation, where we are required to develop instruments to gather feedback from students, teachers, and parents/community members on the instructional environment within our school.  The survey will be used for school improvement planning and to provide us with a more robust picture of school performance on state school report cards beyond test scores. Results will be shared with the school district over the summer, and posted on the school report card in the fall.

For more information, please log on to

K.I.D.S. Grant News from the Foundation

The District 96 Foundation proudly sponsors K.I.D.S. Grants (Kids Initiating a Difference in Schools)–a grant program for our students. K.I.D.S. grants provide an opportunity for students to put their ideas into action to help fellow students and make their classroom and school a better place to learn.

This year, the Foundation is extending a challenge to middle school students to creatively consider projects that enhance any after-school program or help improve how their peers learn or study.

The maximum grant amount is $300. The deadline to complete the ONLINE APPLICATION is Fri., Feb. 1, 2013. The Foundation Prize Patrol will be out and about to surprise the winners in February. 

Who in District 96 is your child’s champion? 
A call for Foundation Crystal Apple nominations!! 
Do you know someone who exemplifies the best of District 96? Nominate him or her for 2013 Crystal Apple recognition–an honored tradition in District 96 since 1998! ONLINE NOMINATIONS are now open for submission through Fri., Feb. 8, at

Here are some pictures from our PTO sponsored Science Alliance assembly:

Have a great weekend,

Friday, January 18, 2013

Woodlawn Principals' Blog 1-18-13

Friday is here and we accomplished quite a bit this week.  6th & 7th graders completed MAP testing, while our 8th graders did a great job on their Stevenson placement tests.  After speaking with the staff as a whole, each grade level was exceptionally pleased with the effort of their students. 

Even though our students have had moments of questionable decision-making, this group of Woodlawn students has been excellent.  On top the academic progress our students have made, we are working with parents to create good citizens.  I will be talking about Social-Emotional Learning often and I hope your students are getting the message in class.  Please check out our district website for more information. 

Foundation K.I.D.S. 2013 Student Grants
The District 96 Foundation is proud to sponsor the 2013 “K.I.D.S” Grants (Kids Initiating a Difference in Schools), a grant program for students in the district.  By offering small grants, “K.I.D.S.” provides a great opportunity for students to put their ideas into action to help fellow students; and ultimately make their classroom and school a better place to learn. 
This year, the Foundation is extending a challenge to middle school students to consider projects that enhance any after-school program or help improve how peers learn or study.
The maximum grant amount awarded is $300.  The deadline to complete your on-line application found at is Friday, February 1, 2013.   A “Prize-Patrol” will be out and about to surprise the winners by the end of February.
Kids, be creative!  Focus on your strengths and passions to drive your ideas and actions and see what a difference you can make!

A Q&A Opportunity for Parents of 8th Graders
Parents of 8th-grade students who will attend Stevenson High School next year are cordially invited to the 10th-annual District 96 Parent-to-Parent (P2P) Network program, Simplifying Stevenson, at 7 p.m. on Mon., Feb. 4, in the Twin Groves Middle School Cafeteria, 2600 N. Buffalo Grove Rd, Buffalo Grove. This popular program for parents only (no students, please) is a Q&A opportunity with a panel of current Stevenson freshmen and seniors. Hear high school students share their perspectives on making the transition to high school, making summer school decisions, balancing the workload, and more. The program is free and no reservations are needed. Questions? Call the public info coordinator at 847.459.4260, ext. 7722.

Evolving Role Of Coaches
How does District 96 use coaches in the classroom to build our teachers' capacity to implement best practices and extend learning for our students? On Jan. 8, the District 96 Board of Education heard a presentation by Director of Professional Development Jeanne Spiller and District faculty on the EVOLVING ROLE OF COACHES and the positive difference that coaches are making.

From the D96 Foundation
• Who in District 96 is your child’s champion?
A call for Crystal Apple nominations
Do you know someone who exemplifies the best of District 96? Nominate him or her for 2013 Crystal Apple recognition–an honored tradition in District 96 since 1998! ONLINE NOMINATIONS are now open for submission through Feb. 8, 2013, at

Be sure to save the date for the Annual Recognition Dinner: March 15, 2013, at The Arboretum Club, 401 Half Day Rd., Buffalo Grove

From Nurse Fox
The School Nurse did an audit this week of 7th grade immunizations. Thirty-two letters went home today to 7th graders who will need to provide proof of one Tdap vaccination before fall of 2013. Please check with your student to see if they received a letter.  

I hope that everyone has an enjoyable weekend. 

Mr. G-

Friday, January 11, 2013

Woodlawn Principals' Blog 1/11/13

Welcome back!  It was great to see our students return from Winter Break! We are off to a good start as we plunge into a very busy January. 

Please visit the PTO newsletter link at the top of this page!

Placement & MAP TESTS

This week, we have Stevenson placement tests for our 8th graders on Monday through Thursday.  Our 8th graders will also be taking the Spanish placement test the following week.  All 6th & 7th graders, along with chosen 8th graders will be taking MAP tests this week as well.  Reading and Math are the focus for our MAP tests.  Please make sure that your students are getting plenty of rest and a good, nutritious breakfast every day!  I am very excited about the placement tests because our students are ready!

District 96 Foundation Winners

I am proud to announce the following.... Several Woodlawn staff members are recipients of the 2013 Staff Innovative Grant Awards sponsored by the District 96 Foundation. This year’s initiative was created to recognize those applicants whose projects concretely displayed innovation. Woodlawn’s winners were among twelve finalists whose ideas not only exemplified professional commitment to excellence in learning, but captured novel methods and/or technologies to elevate and advance student performance. Congratulations Liz Kile, Jessica Woods, and Michelle Ponsolle-Mays!  If you wish to find out more about each winner’s project(s), stop by the display in the main office.

Parents, mark your calendar for this upcoming District 96 SEL program

Working well with others, demonstrating empathy, managing emotions, making positive choices–these are essential life skills for success in the workplace and the world. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) addresses helping students build these important skills.

• How is District 96 implementing social and emotional learning? What does SEL look like in D96 elementary and middle school classrooms? 

Please plan to attend the SEL parent program on Tues., Jan. 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mat Room at Ivy Hall School, 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove. Staff will discuss the influence of SEL in their classrooms and Student Services Director Kimberly Dahlem and Assistant Student Services Director Kim Lechner will explain district wide SEL goals.  District 96 is focused on educating the whole child.  Social Emotional and academic learning go hand in hand for students to have success. 

Mid Terms

Mid Term for second trimester is upon us.  You can expect a phone call from teachers if your child is currently in the D/F range in any of their classes.  Additionally, if you have concerns or questions about the grades your student currently has, please contact your teachers. 

Student E-mail

Starting Monday, students will have access to a District 96 email account. For more information, please check out specific information from our Technology Department.  These student accounts are secure and that they will be closely monitored. Students will be educated over the next couple of weeks as to what they can do with their D96 e-mail account.  Make sure you read the link to so that students are clear on what the expectations are for usage.