Friday, November 30, 2012

Woodlawn Principals' Blog 11/30/12

December here we come! 

Due to system updates, the PowerSchool parent portal will be down from Wednesday, December 5 through Monday, December 10. We're sorry for this inconvenience! 


Why do my child's grades seem low to start the trimester?
Great question! We all have to think differently about grading. It seems that, since the dawn of time, grades have been calculated using a straight average of all assignments over the course of a grading period. This new system will show you where your child starts, how they grow, and when they achieve mastery...or beyond. 

As we've shared, the fundamental purpose of standards-based reporting is to accurately reflect student growth related to targets over time. Since a trimester is the beginning of a new cycle of instruction, we expect students to need time and support to show progress toward the learning standards of focus. For that reason, it's not surprising that students may struggle at the beginning, showing that they are below mastery (scores of 2.0 or 1.0). They simply need time to learn the new concepts. Please keep watching for more data, though...growth will be reflected in their grades! Also, remember that the overall course letter grade is an average of the most recent standards-aligned data, so letter grades may look low at the beginning of the trimester, too. With effort, instruction, and growth, the students' grades will improve to accurately reflect their learning over the course of the trimester. 

For more specific information related to the field test, please take a few minutes to listen to the podcast of the Standards-Based Reporting Field Test Parent Information Night presentation. As always, feel free to contact your child's teachers, Mr. Murphy, or me if you have questions or would like more information. 

As winter weather has arrived, now is a good time to remind your children not to share hats, headbands, scarves or earmuffs with their friends as this can lead to an increased transmission of head lice. Head lice continues to be one of the most common communicable conditions among children, and outbreaks are possible whenever and wherever children gather. Since the onset of head lice is typical this time of year, it is a good idea to watch for signs that your child may have lice such as frequent head scratching. If your child has lice, there are a variety of treatments available. Please check the District website,, under the “Family Resources,” “Student Health” link for specific information on head lice and District 96 practices.

With the holidays approaching quickly, here is a quick reminder that Artsonia is up and running again this year. Check out to see what your student and Mrs. Kile has been doing in the Art Room. You will find items to purchase that feature your child’s artwork and creative expressions. I cannot think of a better way to find an inexpensive, unique gift this holiday season.  Additionally, the school receives a percentage of any orders you place which goes toward enriching our students’ art and specials programs.

An outstanding program from our Cultural Arts Committee was presented to our Woodlawn students this week when Linda Gorham told her amazing stories.  Students were mesmerized as she tapped into the creative side of story telling.  Thanks PTO! 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Standards Based Reporting Info

I hope you've all enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving, and you avoided the much of the chaos that ensues on Black Friday by shopping online, as I have.  Now with the celebrating, traveling, and shopping done, it's time to highlight one of the big changes at Woodlawn and Twin Groves Middle Schools.

We're incredibly excited about the official beginning of the District 96 middle school standards-based reporting field test, which began at the start of Trimester 2 on the Monday of last week.  With that came more opportunities for you to learn about the progress of your student(s) specific to academic learning targets and work habits.

Here is a letter that we made available at Parent-teacher conferences earlier this week that explains how to access your students' standards-based grades on PowerSchool.

As always, don't hesitate the call or stop by the Woodlawn office if you have any questions.

Thanks, and have a great weekend,

Friday, November 16, 2012

This Week at Woodlawn

Please click on the PTO Newsletter link above.   Look up and click…I will wait.  

Attention parents of 8th grade students…Stevenson High School begins its incoming placement for freshmen in December, with the first part of the Spanish placement exam.  This year, along with our annual placement tests, Stevenson is asking all feeder schools to include the EXPLORE test, which is a nationally normed exam that is suitable for 8thgraders.  I am attaching a link for parents to see the letter from Troy Gobble, Stevenson High School Principal. (Please click here to read the SHS EXPLORE letter).  Among the schools that feed into Stevenson, Woodlawn and Twin Groves have elected to give this exam in our home schools, during the school day on January 25th, 2013.  Please contact me directly if you have any questions.

In the PTO Newsletter (I know you looked, remember, I waited for you?), you will see information on the food drive and the toy drive.  At this time of year, I like to reflect about how fortunate I have been, and how lucky I am to have my family safe, happy and healthy.  Please try and find a few items to send to school and make Thanksgiving and the holiday season special for someone else.  

There is still time to sign up for conferences!  Conferences are Monday, November 19th from 5-7p.m and Tuesday, November 20th from 2-7p.m  If you are not able to attend conferences, you can request a phone conference this year.  In years past because we ran into a very difficult situation after conferences where parents wanted to meet with teachers and a lot of time planning/meeting time was lost.  Once again, please note the wording in our current handbook.

Per the D96 handbook:
"The intent of scheduled conference days is to provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to come together to share information in a brief conference–not to replace the opportunity for these same people to come together whenever needed.Should you be unable to schedule a conference during the conference times identified on the school calendar, a parent may request a brief phone conference with the student's teacher and individual team members when appropriate. It is not the expectation of the District that teams re-create the conference experience outside the dates/times identified on the calendar."

District administrators shared your feedback with the staff of MealsPlus and the following improvement is the result: The $100 payment cap on LunchPrepay.comhas been removed. Parents will no longer need to make multiple payments for amounts over $100. (Note: The $1.95 transaction fee per
payment still applies however)

Have a great weekend, and Go Bears!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Talent show tonight, remember to bring canned goods!

We are really looking forward to our students on display tonight, showing off their talents for family and friends!  Please use tonight as an opportunity to bring canned goods for our food drive or bring a toy to donate for our toy drive.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone tonight and we hope that you enjoy the show.

Mr. G-

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 9th, 2012

Please visit the PTO Newsletter and click on the link above! 

November is here and we are steamrolling toward our Thanksgiving Break.  Things at school are going well and I am very proud of the students and staff for all of their hard work up to this point of the school year.  My fantasy football teams are a disaster, but things could be worse.

Sign up for your conference time this week!  Remember that conferences are coming up on Monday, November 19th from 5-7p.m and Tuesday, November 20th from 2-7p.m.  It is very important that you get your sign up time early so that you can get information about your student and their performance to date.  If you are not able to attend conferences, you can request a phone conference this year.  In years past because we ran into a very difficult situation after conferences where parents wanted to meet with teachers and a lot of time planning/meeting time was lost.  Please note the wording in our current handbook.

Per the D96 handbook:
"The intent of scheduled conference days is to provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to come together to share information in a brief conference–not to replace the opportunity for these same people to come together whenever needed. Should you be unable to schedule a conference during the conference times identified on the school calendar, a parent may request a brief phone conference with the student's teacher and individual team members when appropriate. It is not the expectation of the District that teams re-create the conference experience outside the dates/times identified on the calendar."

Click here to read the Standards-Based Report Card Field Test Podcast from our meeting on the evening of October 18th, at Twin Groves Middle School.  This podcast gives you another level of understanding as we move toward Standards Based Report Cards.  I hope that everyone takes the time to listen to this podcast, it is very informative and worth your time. 

Here is a cool opportunity for parents…

On Tues., Nov. 13, 9:30 – 11 a.m., you are invited to the Ivy Hall School Mat Room to participate in the facilitated discussion of the book we've been reading as a district: Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings. Parents who have not yet read the book, which addresses social/emotional learning (SEL) for our children, are welcome and encouraged to attend, as well. The interactive discussion will be facilitated by Student Services Director Kimberly Dahlem and Asst. Student Services Director Kim Lechner and is presented in collaboration with our District 96 Parent-to-Parent (P2P) Network. Though walk-ins are welcome, your RSVP is appreciated.

Special Directions for entering Ivy Hall School for the Nov. 13 program: 
Ivy Hall School is located at 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove. At the intersection of Arlington Heights and Route 83 (McHenry Rd.), take Arlington Heights Rd. south to Alden Lane (first street on left). Turn left onto Alden Lane and follow to the Ivy Hall School parking lot. Park in available lot spaces or curbside on the streets surrounding the school. 

Enter the Ivy Hall School through the double doors facing Clohesey Lane, near the playground area. Please do not enter through the main office. Staff will be in place throughout the program to monitor hallways and direct attendees to the Mat Room.

Questions? Call the public info coordinator at 847.459.4260, ext. 7722, or send email to

I hope that everyone hast a great week and remember to sign up for your conferences!!!!

Greg Grana

Friday, November 2, 2012

Blog 11/2/12

Please visit the Woodlawn Principals’ Blog at the top of this page!!!!


Parent-Teacher Conferences are November 19th and 20th
We are looking forward to sharing your child's progress with you so far this year at our upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences to be held Monday, 11/19 from 5-7pm and Tuesday, 11/20 from 2-7pm.  Please begin call this Wednesday, November 7th for conference sign up times. Each family can call the Woodlawn office and request a conference with one teacher that your student has for class.  We do hope that you will be able to attend conferences in person.  If you cannot, you may request a phone conference with your child's teacher and team members when appropriate.  It is not the expectation of the District for teachers to recreate the conference experience outside the dates/times identified on the District calendar.

Cultural Arts

Woodlawn Middle School is happy to announce we will be hosting nationally known, award-winning speaker and story-teller, Linda Gorham.  She will be presenting to our 7th grade classes on Tuesday, November 27th for 2 performances, 8:32 - 9:16 a.m. and 9:19 - 10:05 a.m.  Linda energizes her audiences by using movement and humor.   She does "storytelling with attitude!"  Performances will be held in the Learning Center, and parents are invited to attend.  Please remember to bring a state issued ID as part of the guest sign in procedure in the office.  

Hope you can come!  Everyone is sure to enjoy!

Homework hotline reminder

You can get all of your homework information in one spot.  One the Woodlawn Middle School home page, please click on the homework hotline link on the left hand side of the page and go to your specific grade level.  One stop shopping.

Monday is mock election day

All Woodlawn students will get a chance to vote for the presidential election on Monday.  Students are registered, will be voting on Monday during the lunch period at their specific precinct.  Selected 8th graders will act as election judges.  We will share the election results with the Woodlawn community on Monday before the end of the school day.  7th & 8th graders have been researching unbiased on line sites and will be studying the electoral college this Monday as well.

PTO Food Drive/Toy Drive

Go to the PTO Newsletter at the top of this page!!!!

Fall Party Recap 

Good times!!!!